Magicthegathering Cardkingdom Ultrapro

      Friday, April 7

Posted at 10:45 PM


Hello! Terence is here to blog again. lol okok recently i have been spending time in my medical centre and poking stupid recruits everyday, thus i have no time to join competitions and especially friday nite magic. :P I am getting luckier recently lol.. whenever i bought a booster pack.. i will get the cards that i want. Examples, keiga the tide star and godless shrine. And today.. i got ghost council again! lol This is a good sign for me man.. my luck is coming back.. and i really hope it will maintain like this all the way lol :D

I have abandoned beat down decks for control decks lol.. I feel that it is time for me to venture into something different for magic. As for stan, he is trying to form a deck of his own instead of copying decks from the pros. I really very impressed as most of my decks are copies of the pros but of course.. i slightly changed it abit. lol My new deck is called Izzetron. i planning to make it abit like annex wildfire.. as this can help to fight against beat down decks. :P As i am formally a beat down deck player.. i noe how a beat down deck works lol.. Anyway. i hope that lady luck will be smiling at stan and me.. and i really hope that.. one day... i can enter top 8 once again.. of course.. with stan :)

Btw... today is our 1 year anniversary in the army lol!! Stan.. remember the day we landed on tekong!! lol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Tekong was 'Humane'.... lol!

Sunday, April 09, 2006 9:54:00 AM  

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