Magicthegathering Cardkingdom Ultrapro

      Saturday, March 4

Posted at 12:46 AM

Friday Night Magic

Phew! Just came back from my first ever FNM! Erm. I lost of course. Lol! But hey, at least I won one match and a few rounds. Quite an experience. The people were nice and very very very very and did I mention very experienced? Haha! But I think I did alright.

I could have won the first match but I drew 6 turns of lands. -_-"" Seriously, go figure. Lol!

2nd match, was insane. Jerry had Persecute! I just died then and there. Haha! Well, I think I put up a reasonable fight. Got him down to 8 life when I had only 9 life left. He was nice. Said he wouldn't use his sideboard cos' he thought it would not be fair to me. I said it's no prob, but he insisted. Haha!

There wasn't a 3rd match. There was an odd number of participants so I happened not to get a match.

Final match I won! Yays! I was pitched against Lucas! *Starwars music in the background* Just lucky I guess. Managed to get 2 Paladin-en-vecs out to counter his red stuff.

Had fun. I didn't expect to win anything. I was there to gain experience and be free frag for people. So I wasn't disappointed Lol! :P


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