I had my first try at drafting today. Played against Terence. My god! I was so freaking nervous, cos' I'm a super noob!
Anyways, we opened the boosters and begun drafting. I kept my rare - Glare of Subdual, then passed the cards over for him to pick. The painstaking process of selecting continued for a while. After that, we had to form a deck of 40 cards using land and the cards we selected.
I was a wreck! I had so many colours. So I formed a 4 + 1 colour deck. The four colours being - blue, black, white and green. And the remaining colour, I did not add a land. I used Spectral Searchlight for it. Since I will only have one red card.
Anyways, I won the first round thanks to a lucky draw. I managed to pull 2 out of my only 3 islands and summon Drift of Phantasms and Surveilling Sprite early. Terence didn't have anti-air so I got lucky.
I lost the second round to Terence's flurry of creatures and tokens. No thanks to my 8 turns of drawing only land too. He had freaking eleven creatures attacking me man! 19 damage in one turn. Even if I blocked to remove 10 damage I still died cos' I was reduced to 9 life beforehand.
The third round was another lucky break for me. Terence destroyed my island using Seismic Spike. Thankfully I had another in hand! I managed to summon out Drift of Phantasms, Surveilling Sprite, Dimir Infiltrator, Elvish Skysweeper, Roofstalker Wight, and thanks to a lucky draw of Spectral Searchlight, Goblin Spelunkers! Since he had mountains, the Goblin Spelunkers became unblockable. The Surveilling Sprite, Dimir Infiltrator and Roofstalker Wight had flying so Terence's creatures couldn't block. And he couldn't summon Hunted Lammasu thanks to Elvish Skysweeper.
Phew! So I managed to get lucky this time. I learned valuable lessons from today - that mana cost in drafting doesn't matter and that the most useless looking creatures can become strong in drafting. Terence will continue to train me in drafting for preperation for the prerelease of Guildpact. Thanks much man!
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