Magicthegathering Cardkingdom Ultrapro

      Saturday, July 22

Posted at 11:21 PM

Release Tournament

I went for my first release tournament today! Met Joseph at 10 in the morning. We were stunned that Eric was still closed. Lol! Luckily, he did open shop later in the day.

So, the release tournament was 30 bucks for 5 boosters and Marit Lage. My cards all sucked. Lol! In the end after the pack switch it still sucked. Lol! Won one, lost 2, I.D. with Joseph. Heh! I thought I did alright considering what I had. I learnt a lot from the draft though. Recover is a god mechanic! Grim Harvest is my favourite common now!

Anyways, bought a fat pack too, cos' I want the goodies. :) Got an Orhan Viper and Tamanoa as well as Darien, King of Kjeldor and a crusader. Now comes the hard part. Hehe! I cannot decide if I want to pass these cards to Lynn first and get another set for myself later. Hmm.... have to make a decision soon.

After the tournament, we headed to Tampines to meet Chai Jing for dinner and magic discussion. She got coerced into buying a pack and got Rimescale Dragon. Heh! Good for her! It's quite a good card.

I just hope Coldsnap cards will drop a little in prices, cos' they are really stiff now.


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